Brian is a master Jazz (and about any other genre you can imagine) guitarist, composer, arranger and music educator, and about the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet. During this session he was plugged into my old, magical 1965 Fender Deluxe Reverb amp. It’s never sounded so good!!!
This is a temporary link to a video I recorded and shot a few years ago before my daughter’s summer tour. this was a premier, first ever performance of Sue Bohlin’s “Summer’s Here”.
After a short while this video will be moved to either Vimeo or YouTube and embed directly … for now it’s still hosted on my site and in Flash.
Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir and Volti teamed up with Leah Stein Dance Company of Philadelphia this past weekend to perform David Lang’s Balle Hymns. The following are still grabs from the video I shot, pro-bono, for a video being produced to document the performance. My daughter sings with the Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir, and has since she was four, so I had the honor of helping out on the video and shot “B-Roll” for the gig. That means my imagery will be used as artsy cut aways and cut ins and hopefully add flavor to the imagery. It was difficult to shoot, at times, due to tears getting in the way of focusing. That’s how moving the performance was.